"Hunting Adeline: Cat and Mouse Duet, Book 1" is a dark and disturbing romance audiobook that delves into intense and mature themes. The audiobook, narrated by Teddy Hamilton and Michelle Sparks, has a duration of 15 hours and 48 minutes. The story revolves around a male main character who is a stalker, and the narrative explores themes such as sexual assault, child trafficking, and child abduction. The audiobook is fast-paced and features plot twists and a cliffhanger ending. The narration is praised for its performance, and the audiobook is recommended for mature audiences due to its dark and intense content.The audiobook has received mixed reviews, with some listeners praising the immersive and intense storytelling, while others have found the themes and content to be unsettling and challenging. The audiobook is available on platforms such as Audible and Amazon, where listeners have shared their varied reactions to the story and the narration.
Overall, "Haunting Adeline" is a polarizing audiobook that evokes strong reactions due to its dark and disturbing subject matter.